Tutorial:Easy Computing with Windows 7 : Keyboard Shortcuts

Many might be using the seventh generation of Windows operating system ' Windows 7 '. It makes our lives easier. To make it much more easier, some keyboard shortcuts will help you to make computing very easy. So, I have collected some keyboard shortcuts for Windows7.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 7 :

* Win+UP Arrow : Maximize the current window

* Win+Down Arrow : If the current window is maximized, restore it; if the current window is restored, minimize it

* Win+Left Arrow : Dock the current window to the left half of the screen

* Win+Right Arrrow : Dock the current window to the right half of the screen

* Win+Home : Minimize all but the current window

* Win+Space : All windows become transparent so you can see through to the desktop.

* Win+P : Adjust presentation settings for your display.

* Alt+F4 : Close the active window

* Alt+Tab : Switch to previous active window

* Alt+Esc : Cycle through all open windows

* Win+Tab : Flip 3D

* Ctrl+Win+Tab : Persistent Flip 3D

* Win+T : Cycle through applications on taskbar (showing its live preview)

* Win+M : Minimize all open windows

* Win+Shift+M : Undo all window minimization

* Win+D : Toggle showing the desktop

* Win+(+/-): Zoom in/out.

* Win+G: Cycle between the Windows Gadgets on your screen.

* Shift+Win+Up arrow: Maximize the active window vertically.

* Shift+Win+Left/Right arrows: Move the window to the monitor on the left or right.

* Win+number (1-9): Starts the application pinned to the taskbar in that position, or switches to that program.

* Shift+Win+number (1-9): Starts a new instance of the application pinned to the taskbar in that position.

* Ctrl+Win+number (1-9): Cycles through open windows for the application pinned to the taskbar in that position.

* Alt+Win+number (1-9): Opens the Jump List for the application pinned to the taskbar.

* Win+T: Focus and scroll through items on the taskbar.

* Win+B: Focuses the System Tray icons

* Shift+Click on a taskbar button: Open a program or quickly open another instance of a program.

* Ctrl+Shift+Click on a taskbar button: Open a program as an administrator.

* Shift+Right-click on a taskbar button: Show the window menu for the program (like XP does).

* Shift+Right-click on a grouped taskbar button: Show the window menu for the group.

* Ctrl+Click on a grouped taskbar button: Cycle through the windows of the group.

* Ctrl+Shift+N: Creates a new folder in Windows Explorer.

* Alt+Up: Goes up a folder level in Windows Explorer.

* Alt+P: Toggles the preview pane in Windows Explorer.

* Shift+Right-Click on a file: Adds Copy as Path, which copies the path of a file to
the clipboard.

* Shift+Right-Click on a file: Adds extra hidden items to the Send To menu.

* Shift+Right-Click on a folder: Adds Command Prompt Here, which lets you easily open
a command prompt in that folder.

Nicholas End


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