This is my new semester timetable.It is quite free and not really pack at all .Unfortunately ,there has a class on Friday !!What a bad day :-S However,we still have a chance to change our time to another days.Then,we can have a rest on friday :D
Today ,we had our class and met our lecturers.So far,we just meet up Mathematics lecturer :-D (Lecturer that always has her sweet smile) and a new lecturer for our Statistics.Our statistics lecturer is a new lecturer.He had his first class with us in MMU.Furthermore,he is quite funny person and speak english very well :S He graduated at MMU with software engineering course.I heard my friend said that he had a allienware laptop :S (rich guy XD).In the first class,he showed us a video clip about Oxford professor.It is really a genius lecturer!!! Amazing..Watch it !!
Nicholas End
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