New Semester

O.O This is the new semester again XD The difference is this is the third semester and Im going to degree soon !! If not mistaken,i will intake in June :-D I hope this is not a tough semester to pass through @@

This is my new semester timetable.It is quite free and not really pack at all .Unfortunately ,there has a class on Friday !!What a bad day :-S However,we still have a chance to change our time to another days.Then,we can have a rest on friday :D

Today ,we had our class and met our lecturers.So far,we just meet up Mathematics lecturer :-D (Lecturer that always has her sweet smile) and a new lecturer for our Statistics.Our statistics lecturer is a new lecturer.He had his first class with us in MMU.Furthermore,he is quite funny person and speak english very well :S He graduated at MMU with software engineering course.I heard my friend said that he had a allienware laptop :S (rich guy XD).In the first class,he showed us a video clip about Oxford professor.It is really a genius lecturer!!! Amazing..Watch it !!

Nicholas End


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